The realisation of the constitutional principles - the right to good administration and the right to legal remedy - in Hungary


  • Nóra Balogh-Bekesi National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary
  • Kitti Pollak National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary



the right to legal remedy, the right to good administration, Hungary, principle of procedural fairness, reasonable time, duty to justify decisions, obligation for cooperation between the administrative bodies and the clients


The paper aims to present the realisation of two procedural principles – the right to good administration and the right to legal remedy – regulated also in the Fundamental Law of Hungary, which entered into force on 1st January 2012. The right to legal remedy has been a constitutional principle since the change of regime (in 1989) and the right to good administration has been constitutionally named only by the Fundamental Law of Hungary. The actuality of the paper is the fact that in Hungary from the 1st of January 2018 completely new codes regulate the general public administrative procedures and the administrative justice. Based on these Acts, a new legal remedy system has been introduced regarding administrative decisions in which the judicial review procedures became – instead of the internal administrative appeal procedures – in most of the cases the firstly used legal remedy possibility regarding administrative decisions. After a short overview of the new legal remedy system which has been introduced regarding administrative decisions, the paper presents the constitutional basis of the right to good administration and the right to legal remedy. Finally, we analyse in detail the latest and most relevant decisions of the Constitutional Court of Hungary and some cases of the Curia of Hungary about the practice of the direct enforcement of the constitutional principles: the right to good administration and the right to legal remedy regarding administrative decisions.


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Thesis regarding procedural fairness prepared by BALOGH-BEKESI Nora in a co-project of the Constitutional Court of Hungary and the Curia of Hungary (under publication).

Fundamental Law of Hungary

Act I. of 2017 on Administrative Justice

Act CL. of 2016 on General Public Administration Procedures

European Convention on Human Rights

Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union

Decision 49/1998. (XI. 27.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 1/2017. (I. 17.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 39/1997 (VII.1.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 39/1997 (VII.1.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 5/1992. (I. 30.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 9/1992. (I. 30.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 7/2013. (III.1.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 9/2017. (IV. 18.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision 30/1992. (V. 26.) of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

Decision Kfv.IV.37.038 / 2016 of the Curia of Hungary

Decision1/2009 KJE of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.II.37.078/2012/8. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.II.37.794/2013/4. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.II.37.621/2013/7. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.IV.35.038/2014/5. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.II.37.574/2015/4. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.III.37.825/2015/8. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.I.35.760/2016/6. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.I.35.122/2016/6. of the Curia of Hungary

Decision Kfv.IV.35.058/2016/7. of the Curia of Hungary

Official Translations/Summaries of the Decisions of the Constitutional Court of Hungary:$f=templates$3.0




How to Cite

The realisation of the constitutional principles - the right to good administration and the right to legal remedy - in Hungary. (2018). Bratislava Law Review, 2(1), 46-56.

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