Public Housing in Lands Affected by Natural Hazards
A Comparative Analysis between Italy, Japan, and the USA
civil law, comparative law, public housing, natural disastersAbstract
In 2016-2017, an earthquake hit central Italy, in particular the Marche region. In 2011, Japan was devastated by the Fukushima nuclear disaster and in 2005 Hurricane Katrina struck the southwest coast of the United States. This work, starting from the analysis of public housing reconstruction process in Italy, will afterwards analyse the legislation adopted by the Japanese and the American governments in the same field. The aim of the work will be, on the one hand, to highlight the best practices adopted by the three governments in public housing buildings reconstruction process and, on the other hand, to understand which policies, used in Japan and in the U.S.A., can be “imported” in the Marche region, as far as public housing reconstruction process is concerned.
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