Attempt of classification of the publicisation of civil matters based on recent examples from Poland




civil matters, private law, public law, privatisation, publicisation, de iure publicisation, de facto publicisation, de-privatisation


The purpose of this paper is to assess the phenomenon of the publicisation of civil matters in Poland against the background of the current legislation and the practice observed by the Author, as well as, based on the conducted analysis, to other a classification of the publicisation. The analysis is based on the following main elements. First, it attempts to provide an overview of what may be considered the most significant features for each of the examples of this phenomenon. Third, it looks at what the publicisation is driven by and whether there is a fiscal function provided for in its case. Fourth, it analyses available data to verify whether there are growing numbers of decisions taken in each category of the publicisation outlined in the paper.


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How to Cite

Attempt of classification of the publicisation of civil matters based on recent examples from Poland. (2019). Bratislava Law Review, 3(1), 103-111.

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