ICJ: Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, Advisory Opinion

The Prolonged Occupation and Annexation of Palestine, and Racial Discrimination of Palestinians





International Court of Justice, Occupation, Annexation, Self-determination, Apartheid, Racial segregation, Palestine, Israel


The International Court of Justice advisory opinion addresses several complex legal questions. The Court examined whether these policies violate international law, particularly erga omnes obligations. Israel's actions were found to violate international law through the annexation of large parts of Palestinian territories. The Court explored the relationship between occupation and annexation, clarifying that while occupation is lawful if temporary and necessary, Israel's extended presence goes beyond this and amounts to annexation. The advisory opinion further addressed claims of racial segregation or apartheid, concluding that Israeli policies toward Palestinians demonstrate systematic discrimination and a policy of separation. This potentially may meet the legal definition of apartheid. The Court emphasized that all states and the UN have a duty not to recognise annexation and other violations for jus cogens. This opinion reaffirms the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and criticises the prolonged occupation for undermining those rights.

Author Biography

  • Lukáš Mareček, Comenius University Bratislava

    Assistant Professor
    Faculty of Law
    Department of International Law and International Relations
    Šafárikovo nám. 6
    810 00 Bratislava, Slovakia


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How to Cite

ICJ: Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, Advisory Opinion: The Prolonged Occupation and Annexation of Palestine, and Racial Discrimination of Palestinians. (2024). Bratislava Law Review, 8(2), 225-242. https://doi.org/10.46282/blr.2024.8.2.942

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