Services conference as an answer to challenges of administrative procedure


  • Robert Siuciński Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Lodz



administrative procedure, services conference, convergence


The paper presents the services conference as one of the forms of conducting administrative proceedings. The starting point is to present an institution shaped in the Italian procedural law in the light of its administrative system and its evolutionary transformations. The paper involves a comprehensive analysis of the services conference in the context of the competence of public administration authorities, the procedural guarantees enjoyed by parties to the proceedings and decisions that may be taken in the course of the services conference, as well as the legal possibility of their change. One of the assumptions of the paper is the possibility of recognition of the services conference as a kind of a resultant of proceedings in a form of hearing, and the mode of co-operation between the bodies. As a result, it should lead to presenting prospects and opportunities to adapt the institution of the services conference in the Central European countries also as a future solution for the Slovak Code of Administrative Procedure.


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How to Cite

Services conference as an answer to challenges of administrative procedure. (2018). Bratislava Law Review, 2(1), 57-68.

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