Poland's Climate Policy – Selected Legal Aspects





Climate Policy, Climate, Air, Renewable Energy Sources, Air Protection, Environmental Law, Polish Law


This paper aims to briefly present the climate policy in Poland, in selected critical areas from the author's perspective and that may accelerate or delay the just transformation. Climate policy should be a significant part of Poland's activities because Poland is one of the EU countries most dependent on fossil fuels, and the increase in carbon dioxide emissions is also disturbing. However, as the analyses show, the conclusions of various reports seem fully justified, and Poland is not correctly implementing its climate policy. This paper, the first in the series, first explains the basic concepts. Then it briefly presents the basics of the EU's climate policy. The last part concerns Poland's implementation of climate policy in selected areas. Renewable energy sources and air protection will be discussed first in the series. The final fragment contains unoptimistic conclusions with a simultaneous suggestion to undertake urgent work on the Climate Protection Act in Poland. The research was carried out using dogmatic, legal, and statistical methods to a narrow extent.

Author Biography

  • Ewa Radecka, University of Silesia in Katowice

    Assistant Professor
    Faculty of Law and Administration
    Institute of Law
    Bankowa 11B
    40-007 Katowice


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Discussion Papers


How to Cite

Poland’s Climate Policy – Selected Legal Aspects. (2024). Bratislava Law Review, 8(1), 181-194. https://doi.org/10.46282/blr.2024.8.1.824

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