A Legal Model of Air Protection in Poland – Selected Issues





Polish environmental law, air protection, energy policy, low emissions


This article attempts to discuss selected elements of a legal model of air protection in Poland synthetically in order to provide Slovak readers with some overview of the same, which may, subsequently, become the starting point for an international scientific discussion in this field. The author firstly describes the background of the present poor quality of air in Poland, and afterwards presents a brief analysis of reasons why the air should be understood as a common good subject of state protection. Eventually, the author classifies air protection instruments in Poland and discusses the selected ones.


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Discussion Papers and Commentaries


How to Cite

A Legal Model of Air Protection in Poland – Selected Issues. (2021). Bratislava Law Review, 5(1), 159-166. https://doi.org/10.46282/blr.2021.5.1.231

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