Greener Competition Law via New Guidelines on Horizontal Agreements (?)




Green Competition Law, Protection of Environment by Object Restrictions, Willingness-to-pay, Act No. 187/2021 Coll. on Protection of Competition, Guidelines on Horizontal Co-operation Agreements


The protection of environment is mentioned already in the preamble of the Treaty on European Union, in the Maastricht Treaty version. The omnipresent climate change reminds us of the importance of this protection. Is it possible to take into account the protection of environment also during the application of competition law? If so, to what extent is this desirable? In order to answer these questions, the article focuses on horizontal agreements, namely the new Guidelines on Horizontal Agreements. After presenting the view on green horizontal agreements on the EU level, the article focuses on application of competition law in the Slovak Republic. The main finding of the article is that, first, the protection of environment may be taken into account when applying competition law. This is very desirable from the perspective of protection of environment. However, the devil is in the detail and it may prove to be a particularly difficult job for a competition authority such as the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic to enforce Article 101 TFEU with respect to a green agreement. At the same time, it is a tricky job for undertakings to stay in line with Article 101 TFEU when they conclude a horizontal green agreement.

Author Biography

  • Mária Terézia Patakyová, Comenius University Bratislava

    Associate Professor
    Comenius University Bratislava Faculty of Law
    Institute of European Law
    Šafárikovo nám. 6
    818 00 Bratislava, Slovakia


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How to Cite

Greener Competition Law via New Guidelines on Horizontal Agreements (?). (2023). Bratislava Law Review, 7(2), 95-106.

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