In Search of Sustainable Finance

A Study of Practices on the Slovak Corporate Bond Market




Sustainable Finance, EU Sustainable Finance Strategy, EU Taxonomy, ESG Considerations, Financial Market, Corporate Bonds, Green Bonds, Slovak Capital Market


Financial market is expected to play an important role in transition towards more sustainable setup of the business environment. The European Commission published the EU’s Strategy for Financing the Transition to a Sustainable Economy in 2021, requiring the inclusion of environmental, social and governance considerations into investment decision making. Yet, small, open EU economies, such as Slovakia, are in a specific position when implementing this legal framework. For instance, Slovakia does not have any meaningful stock market to speak of, although its bond and collective investment markets perform better. To assess the adoption of sustainable finance elements and to assess the convergence on the Slovak bond market towards standard practice, we investigated current practices on the corporate bond market of nonfinancial corporations. We conducted our research through a review of corporate bonds prospectuses published during 2020-22, in which, to assess current market practices, we examined and evaluated selected criteria and indicators related to issuers and bonds and compared them. These criteria include for example issuer´s business and purpose of finance, form, yield, security, or transferability of bonds. We find that relevant variable criteria and indicators related to reviewed bonds, compared in our research, are similar, indicating that the market converged into a standard practice. Finally, we find almost no evidence of adoption of the sustainable finance elements although there are hints of market uptake of sustainable practices.

Author Biographies

Ján Mazur, Comenius University Bratislava

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law
Department of Financial Law
Šafárikovo nám. 6
810 00 Bratislava, Slovakia

Sabina Petrovičová

Senior Lawyer
Slovenské Elektrárne, a.s.
Mlynské nivy 47
821 09 Bratislava


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How to Cite

Mazur, J., & Petrovičová, S. (2024). In Search of Sustainable Finance: A Study of Practices on the Slovak Corporate Bond Market. Bratislava Law Review, 8(1), 111–128.





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