Prevailing tendencies in local self-governance: Scope of local public affairs and territorial trends in Europe


  • Judit Siket University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences



local governance, territorial reforms, the scope of local public affairs


Focusing on the content of local autonomy, congruent trends could be identified in European countries. Fundamental values of local self-governance prevailing in Europe are included in the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Having regard to the constitutional principle of separation of powers, Charter takes into consideration local self-governments as part of the executive power. Even though the basic principles specify the political and institutional framework of territorial and local administration, the intergovernmental relations also show changing nature. The public administration systems of the Member States of the European Union do not fall within the scope of the EU law, nevertheless, should be analyzed to what extent these processes are in#uenced by Europeanization progress and what other factors may occur. Remarkable territorial and competence-theory changes were implemented in some States recently, like the Big Society concept in the United Kingdom and the territorial reforms in France.


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How to Cite

Siket, J. (2017). Prevailing tendencies in local self-governance: Scope of local public affairs and territorial trends in Europe. Bratislava Law Review, 1(1), 105–114.



