Apply or not to apply?

A Comparative View on Territorial Application of CCPA and GDPR




data protection, GDPR, CCPA, privacy, territorial scope


A new era of data protection laws arises after the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. One of the newly adopted regulations of processing of personal data is Californian Consumer Privacy Act commonly referred to as CCPA. The article aims to fill the gap considering a deep analysis of the territorial scope of both acts and practical consequences of the application. The article starts with a brief overview of privacy regulation in the EU and USA. Introduction to GDPR and CCPA follows focusing on the territorial scope of respective legislation. Three scenarios of applicability are derived in the following part including practical examples.


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How to Cite

Apply or not to apply? A Comparative View on Territorial Application of CCPA and GDPR. (2020). Bratislava Law Review, 4(2), 81-94.

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