Main Criteria for the Classification of Disinformation and Attempts to Criminalisation of Its Spread in Ukraine




Disinformation Classification, Active Measures, Special Services, Criminal Law, Criminalisation of Disinformation Dissemination, Ukrainian law


Based on the methodology of documentary review of scientific sources, available materials of public organisations, the judicial practices in investigating cases of disinformation spread, Ukrainian and foreign sources, the process of disinformation propagation has been researched. Using this approach, the main criteria for classifying disinformation by domains, objectives, methods, sources, forms, and channels were formulated. It was found that in Ukraine, there is still no unified legislative practice to counter disinformation, which leads to the uncontrolled application of manipulative processes and the dissemination of unreliable information by hostile intelligence services. Mass media and other channels of disinformation dissemination continue to evade the attention of law enforcement agencies, for instance, in the fields of economics, science, education, culture, and sports.

Author Biography

Viktor Tyshchuk, Bohdan Khmelnytskyi National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Law Enforcement Activities
Department of Special Disciplines
Shevchenko, 46
29000 Khmelnytskyi


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How to Cite

Tyshchuk, V. (2024). Main Criteria for the Classification of Disinformation and Attempts to Criminalisation of Its Spread in Ukraine. Bratislava Law Review, 8(1), 203–224.



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