Implementation of the EPPO Regulation from the Slovak Perspective




EPPO, European Delegated Prosecutors, competence, investigation, Code of Criminal Procedure of the Slovak Republic


Nowadays, 22 Member States are participating in enhanced cooperation for establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office. Due to the fact that the establishment and exercise of powers of the European Public Prosecutor's Office significantly changes the current concept of EU criminal law, it was necessary for the participating Member States to adapt to this change. To ensure effective application of the Regulation in practice, the Member States had to adopt different implementing measures. As in other Member States, also the national authorities of the Slovak Republic needed to consider necessary legislative measures ensuring effective application of the EPPO Regulation for the purpose of investigating and prosecuting criminal offences affecting financial interests of the EU.

Author Biographies

Dominika Becková, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik

JUDr. Bc. Dominika Becková, PhD.
Assistant Professor
University  of  Pavol  Jozef  Šafárik in Košice,  Faculty  of  Law
Kováčska 26, 040 75 Košice

Katarína Koromházová, University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik

Mgr. Katarína Koromházová
PhD. Student
University  of  Pavol  Jozef  Šafárik in Košice,  Faculty  of  Law
Department of Criminal Law
Kováčska 26, 040 75 Košice




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How to Cite

Becková, D., & Koromházová, K. (2021). Implementation of the EPPO Regulation from the Slovak Perspective. Bratislava Law Review, 5(2), 75–86.



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