Italian Legislative Proposal of Criminalising Bullying

General Critical Considerations




Bullying, Cyberbullying, Penal law, Criminalization, Complexity, Systemic approach, Italy


The aim of this study is to understand if criminalising bullying is a solution to counter and prevent the phenomenon. The Italian legislative proposal of criminalisation offers hints to discuss about a general problem while underlining that the penal solution is not the answer to solve a complex social problem as bullying (and cyberbullying) is. The creation of a specific crime determines a simplification of the question because it concentrates the attention on the dyad bully-victim, without considering the essential role of the group. Taking into account the role of the group and the relationship between the bully and the group implies a systemic approach.

Author Biography

  • Enrico Lanza, University of Catania

    Researcher in Criminal Law
    The Department of Political nd Social Sciences
    University of Catania
    Via Vittorio Emanuele II, 49
    95131 Catania; Italy


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Discussion Papers


How to Cite

Italian Legislative Proposal of Criminalising Bullying : General Critical Considerations. (2022). Bratislava Law Review, 6(2), 91-102.

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