Civil Law Aspects of the Mauritian Children's Bill of 2019




child protection, children's rights, the best-interest-of-a-child principle, comparative views, Mauritian law, French law


The Mauritian Children’s Bill of 2019 addresses many issues pertaining to child protection, such as best interest of a child, prohibition of discrimination of children, marriage of children, ill-treatment of children, surrogacy and sale of children and child prostitution. However, we may observe that the Bill regulates mainly the criminal law aspects as well as the administrative measures aiming at protecting children. The Bill does not contain the rules on Civil law aspects of the issues addressed in the Bill. In this article, we will analyse those Civil law aspects.


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How to Cite

Civil Law Aspects of the Mauritian Children’s Bill of 2019. (2020). Bratislava Law Review, 4(1), 143-166.

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