Mandatory and Default Rules in Serbian Company Law
default rules, mandatory rules, Serbian company law, Serbian lawAbstract
The matter of company law in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Companies, which does not contain the general provision defining whether it is based on the freedom of will, unlike the Law on Obligations, which defines so. Even therefrom, it can be concluded that the rules of the Law on Companies are in general mandatory. Such conclusion only confirms the exception-provision which defines that founders of the LLC their mutual relations and their relations with the Company regulate freely, unless by this Law otherwise defined. So, only the rules regulating mutual relations of founders and their relations with the LLC are default, unless otherwise provided in particular case. Other rules of the company law in Serbia are in general mandatory. However, even when the provisions regulating certain matter being mandatory, it does not mean that there is absolutely no space for deviations, like in below described cases of special duties, for example. But such deviations do not necessarily mean that the rules from which it is deviated are default ones.
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