Mandatory and Default Rules in Polish Company Law
company law, Poland, freedom, default rules, mandatory rules, semi-mandatory rules, articles of association, company statutes, transferring sharesAbstract
Company law regulations provide opportunity of individual shaping some of companies’ and partnerships’ rules of operation. Proper determination of those regulations which may be modified by adopting different rules in articles of association (company statues, partnership agreement) is important as far as legal safety of corporate regulations is concerned. Abusing or misunderstanding of company law regulations may lead to invalidity of contractual arrangements that would infringe mandatory regulation of company law. The article provides a general view on the principle of freedom of shaping company articles of association in Polish company law as well as ways of distinguishing between mandatory, semi-mandatory and default rules in Polish company law. Apart from general remarks and indications helpful in understanding Polish law, it also provides specific examples of company regulations in Poland and references to company law rules in other European countries.
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