The Role of digital technologies in the new code of civil procedure


  • Noémi Suri Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences



civil procedure, new Code of Civil Procedure, digital technologies, written electronic communication, oral electronic communication, electronic document management, electronic communication networks


In my essay, I will examine the role played by electronic technologies in the new Code of Civil Procedure. My hypothesis is that despite the sensu stricto text of the law, the new law is built around entirely the use of electronic means of contact to be utilized instead of the traditional, paperbased solutions. The essay will on one hand uncover the overarching structure of the legislation, and on the other hand it will analyze and evaluate the substance and remits of the choice of electronic means of contact. Furthermore, it will uncover the special rules governing communication with experts, and administrative and other authorities as well as between courts. Additionally, it will scrutinize the regulations pertaining to actions taken via electronic means of contact.


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How to Cite

The Role of digital technologies in the new code of civil procedure. (2019). Bratislava Law Review, 3(1), 170-175.

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