Wither the social security and the welfare state in the 21st century - A relic or necessity?


  • Zuzana Macková Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law




social security, social rights, social justice, models of welfare state, universal social protection


Article provides for an overview of core terms, definitions and recent developments in the area of social rights and social security in context of Central and Eastern Europe, with focus on Slovakia. It advocates for protection of social standards through the universalist, social-democratic model of welfare state, in order to uphold and enhance democracy and human rights in the region, with a view of their genuine, daily realisation and enjoyment by everyone and all.


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How to Cite

Wither the social security and the welfare state in the 21st century - A relic or necessity?. (2018). Bratislava Law Review, 2(2), 163-170. https://doi.org/10.46282/blr.2018.2.2.114

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