ECtHR: Chocholáč v. Slovakia
Application no. 81292/17, 7 July 2022
Serving of a Prison Sentence, Pornography, Right to Privacy, Right to Information, ECtHR, Constitutional CourtAbstract
The purpose of this commentary is primarily to analyse the judgment of the ECtHR in case of Chocholáč v. Slovakia on 7 July 2022 and the related ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic of 2017. In these decisions, the courts dealt with the general prohibition on the possession of pornographic materials in the serving of a prison sentence. What is interesting about these decisions are the fundamental substantive differences in terms of the assessment of the legitimacy and proportionality of that prohibition in relation to the right to privacy and the right to information of persons in the serving of a prison sentence. The practical implementation of the ECtHR decision must be seen in the context of the problems of the Slovak prison system.
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Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Constitution of the Slovak Republic (460/1992 Coll.)
Slovakia, Criminal Code (Act No. 300/2005 Coll.)
Slovakia, Act No. 475/2005 Coll. on the Execution of Prison Sentences
ECtHR, Chocholáč v. Slovakia, app. no. 81292/17, 7 July 2022.
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Grant numbers Project No. APVV-19-0102