Legal status and perspectives of development for land associations in Slovakia
the land associations, protection of land, perspectives of development, transfer of ownership, e-agricultureAbstract
The paper analyses land associations in Slovakia as specific subjects, which are subject to a distinct way of real estate disposal. They are currently regulated by Act No. 97/2013 Coll. on Land Associations as amended (“the Land Associations Act” or “the Act”). For understanding the institutes of this Act, it is necessary to point to the historical circumstances under which these entities emerged. In the first part of this paper, the paper points to this development and then analyses the current legal situation. In the next part, it describes current issues of land associations, focusing on practical circumstances. In the main part, the paper focuses on problems with their functions, their profitability and future development. Finally, in de lege ferenda part, the paper tries to find possible solutions to these problems and the future of land associations.
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Act No. 97/2013 Coll. on land associations as amended
Act No. 326/2005 Coll. on forests as amended
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Funding data
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Grant numbers UK/435/2018