Genesis of Legal Regulation Web and the Model of the Electronic Jurisdiction of the Metaverse
Metaverse, Cyberspace, Electronic personalities, Avatars, Digital Humanoids, Electronic jurisdiction, Web 3.0 , Decentraland, Virtual reality, Augmented reality, AI, ASI, Cyber laws, Laws MetaverseAbstract
The study examines the transformation of scientific views and approaches to the problem of expediency and necessity of legal regulation of public relations, emerging from the evolution of the world system of public electronic resources in the transmission of information and Internet data from Web 1.0, Web 2.0 to Web 3.0. The stages of formation of the role and place of electronic jurisdiction in public relations are also investigated. Legal regulation of modern relations in virtual and augmented reality environments with the use of Web 3.0 technologies is not available today. At the same time, there are precedents for the application of certain provisions of analogue law to address legal uncertainties in the virtual environment, such as establishing ownership of virtual non-property assets, buying/selling of virtual non-property assets, liability for misappropriation of virtual non-property assets, etc. Obviously, the problem of legal regulation by the rules of analogue law in the virtual environment cannot be fully addressed. The solution to this problem is possible by creating a comprehensive e-jurisdiction and developing the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws to regulate public relations in the meta-universe and to establish new branch of e-law. Given the urgency of the problem, the model of e-jurisdiction Grand Charter of Laws Metaverse is proposed. The model of complex electronic jurisdiction of Metaverse will allow to create basic conceptual apparatus, doctrinal and normative and legal concepts, to define objects and subjects of legal relations in Metaverse, to establish the basic forms of legal relations and mutual relations in Metaverse. This, in turn, will be the basis for reforming analogue legislation, partial interoperability in the digital environment and the development of new regulations in various areas of law and will stimulate the establishment of new e-jurisdiction. The study proposes the construction and basic elements of electronic jurisdiction, mechanisms for the separation of electronic offences and interaction with analogue jurisdictions. E-jurisdiction of the Metaverse Grand Charter of Laws will provide legal regulation of public relations both directly in Metaverse and in public relations related to the analogue and electronic world.
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